The scientific committee will meet between 1 and 5 July and by 6 July the winners, finalists and recommended of the CALL Freedom will be announced and announced.
The section of the prize is reserved exclusively for female photographers
After the great success of the call “Life in the time of coronavirus“ (click to see the report) in the context of the next festival ROMA FOTOGRAFIA 2021 (see previous edition) this year dedicated to the FREEDOM theme, Roma Fotografia officially opens the international call “FREEDOM/ LIFE AFTER IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS” The photo call is promoted by the Roma Fotografia association in collaboration with the magazine IL FOTOGRAFO, TWM Factory, Bresciani Visual Art, Camera Service Centro Autorizzato Canon Roma and The Walkman Magazine, with the support of Festival della Fotografia Etica, Biennale di Fotografia Femminile of Mantova.
The photo call “FREEDOM / LIFE AFTER IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS” Invites professional photographers, amateurs and ordinary citizens of the world to participate with their images by answering the following questions:
• What are the forms of freedom that are still to be conquered and which are those to be rethought, remodelled or retained?
• In a historical era that has broken down many borders and limits, where the human being has the ability to travel easily from one part of the world to another, to have access through the network to knowledge that has never been so diversified and almost unlimited, where it is possible to dialogue in different languages, to approach known and unknown people, where the right to express one’s thoughts is widespread and freedom is guaranteed by the constitutions of a large number of countries, what it means or what interpretation we give today to the meaning of the word freedom?
• What has changed inside us, in our life, in the perception of what we believed to be natural and which from now onwards we will take into consideration as a conception of a new way of understanding it?
The Photographic Call “FREEDOM / LIFE AFTER IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS” therefore calls to explore this broad and profound, strongly inner and social concept through photography. It therefore invites everyone to express their perceptions, desires, dreams, needs, the symbolic cry or the first expression of freedom to which we will dedicate or turn our attention to, but also on which social aspects we will return to act on so that evolution, of which we are a part, can find a new, conscious and energetic drive.
• A large collective photographic exhibition in important places in the capital such as Palazzo Merulana and Stadio di Domiziano, both printed and projected with costs to be borne by the Organization, in the context of the rich calendar of “ROME FOTOGRAFIA FREEDOM 2021”, regularly updated on the WEBSITE www.roma-fotografia.it/ and on the social networks FB and IG @romafotografiaeventi
• The selected works will be published in the magazine IL FOTOGRAFO with a critical text by the editorial staff.
• AWARD CAMERA SERVICE CANON ROME: Participation of a group exhibition at Camera Service Authorized Canon Center in Rome, and First Prize: voucher of € 100 (one hundred) to be spent at Camera Service Rome.
• Special Prize dedicated to photographers ” BRESCIANI FEMALE VISUAL ART PHOTOGRAPHY”: The selected works will participate in the collective exhibition at the Bresciani Visual Art Gallery.
SHORT STORY: The submitted work must be a project consisting of at least a minimum of 5 maximum 10 photographs. The participant can also submit more than one project.
SINGLE SHOT: The participant can send one or more single images (even at different times).
Each author can also participate with more projects or more individual photographs in both categories.
Only participants who have reached 18 years of age, professional and amateur photographers, both foreign and Italian, can join.
EURO €30 for each photographic project in the SHORT STORY category
(click here to partecipate)
EURO €10 for each single photo in the SINGLE SHOT category
(click here to partecipate)
The costs of any printing of the works selected by the Scientific Committee are borne by the Call Organization.
The registration fee is non-refundable.
It is possible to participate in the Call from 12 (CET) on 22 December 2020 to 12 (CET) on 30 june 2021.
After this deadline the works sent will not be taken into consideration.
Published or unpublished photographs are allowed, in black and white and in colour with both vertical and horizontal and square frames, taken by any means, digital, analogue or mobile.
Photographs must be sent in low resolution maximum 1 mega resolution exclusively in JPEG (.jpg) format.
Photographs must not contain watermarks.
If selected by the Scientific Committee, the Organizing Secretariat of the Call may ask the participants for the same images, jpg format in high resolution, to be sent no later than 10 days from receipt of the communication. This is to facilitate the production of prints and the best visualization during projections,
Images that do not comply with the requested specifications will not be taken into consideration.
The scientific committee is chaired by Luciano del Castillo Picture Editor ANSA and is made up of:
For Rome Photography: Alex Mezzenga
For TWM Factory: Riccardo Ferranti
For THE PHOTOGRAPHER: Giovanni Pelloso and Federica Biarzoli
For Bresciani Visual Art: Maria Cristina Valeri and Gilberto Maltinti
For The Walkman Magazine: Ginevra Corso
For Camera Service Authorized Canon Rome Centre: Stefano Snaidero
For Festival della Fotografia Etica: Alberto Prina
For Biennale della fotografia femminile di Mantova: Alessia Locatelli
For Associazione “La Papessa”: Anna Volpi
The Scientific Committee, in total and unquestionable decision-making autonomy, will establish which individual photographs (SINGLE SHOT category) and which photographic works (SHORT STORY category) will be destined for exhibitions and/or screenings, in Rome and in the rest of Italy in the context of ” ROME PHOTOGRAPHY 2021 FREEDOM ”Furthermore, where it is considered appropriate, photographic works (SHORT STORY category) can be extrapolated and included in an exhibition within the SINGLE SHOT category.
Individual photographs (SINGLE SHOT category) and photographic works (SHORT STORY category) can therefore be selected to participate, simultaneously or at different times, in exhibitions and events “ROMA FOTOGRAFIA 2021 FREEDOM”.
The organization of the Call reserves the right to use the images sent for the purpose of promoting the Call itself, through online and paper publication. The copyright of the image and any other rights remain the prerogative of the participating photographer. The works delivered to the secretariat of the Organization, in the manner requested and within the deadline of the Call, and will not be returned.
The dispatch of the photographs and the payment of the participation fee signifies automatic acceptance of these Regulations.
The founding members of the ROMA FOTOGRAFIA Association as well as the members of the Scientific Committee and their respective families, as well as all those who collaborate in various capacities in the organization of the Call are excluded from the tender.
Each participant is responsible for the material presented he presents to the Call; therefore undertakes to exclude any responsibility of the organizers of the aforementioned towards third parties, also towards any subjects depicted in the photographs, above all if minors.
Each participant must inform any interested parties (people portrayed) in the cases and in the manner provided for by Legislative Decree June 30, 2003 n. 196 and subsequent amendments and by the GDPR 2016/679, as well as obtaining the consent to circulate them. In no case will the images sent contain data that can be classified as sensitive.
Each participant also declares to be the sole author of the images sent, which do not infringe the rights of third parties and that if they portray subjects for which consent or authorization is required, he has obtained it.
The organizers also reserve the right to exclude from the Call and not to publish the photos that do not comply in the form and subject with what is indicated in this announcement or with the commonly recognized rules on public morality, ethics and decency, for the protection of participants and visitors. .
Therefore, images deemed offensive, improper and harmful to human and social rights or vulgar images will not be admitted.
The rights to the photographs remain the exclusive property of the author who produced them, who however authorizes their use for events or publications related to the Call itself and for activities relating to the institutional or promotional purposes of the Roma Fotografia association and its Partners. . These companies will be able to use freely the images in their entirety, publish them on social networks, print them, promote them for the circulation of the Call or for other purposes associated with it in some way. Each author is personally responsible for the works presented; By registering for the call, the organization is automatically authorized to reproduce it in the catalogue, publications, CDs and on the internet without profit and by citing the name of the author of the images that will be sent.
Roma Fotografia and those who use the images insure to accompany the photos with the author’s name each and every time they are used.
We inform you that the personal data provided by competitors will be used for activities related to the promotional and management purposes of the Call and related activities, according to what provided for by Legislative Decree June 30, 2003 n. 196 and subsequent amendments and by the GDPR 2016/679. The material sent will not be returned under any circumstances.
The Authors participating in the International Call “FREEDOM / LIFE AFTER IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS” authorize ROMA FOTOGRAFIA Association, the Organization and the Partners involved (TWM Factory, IL FOTOGRAFO magazine, Bresciani Visual Art, Camera Service Canon Authorized Center Rome , The Walkman Magazine) to publish and circulate offline and online, including the pages of social networks related to the event, images of and/or relating to the Works participating in the Call, in order to promote the initiative, ROME PHOTOGRAPHY in general and the event , using the means and techniques of communication/ disclosure that the same and the Organizer deem most suitable. With the participation and automatic acceptance of the regulations, the participating Author:
– authorizes the Organizer and the Partners of ROMA FOTOGRAFIA specifically to process their personal data in accordance with GDPR 679/2016;
– declares and guarantees to be the author of the Works presented, to be the sole author and owner of the same and related rights, to have full and exclusive availability of the same and related rights, including the rights of economic exploitation, and of the rights transferred in any case pursuant to these Regulations; it also guarantees the Organization and ROMA FOTOGRAFIA the peaceful enjoyment of the assigned rights, and that it has not put in place any acts that limit their availability and that these rights are therefore free from constraints of any kind;
– declares and guarantees that the Work participating in the Call is original and does not violate property rights or copyrights of third parties and undertakes to indemnify the Organizer and the Partners of ROMA FOTOGRAFIA and to indemnify them from any third party claim and/or damage relating or in any case connected to the Work presented, as well as to reproduction and publication; the Organizer and the Partners of ROMA FOTOGRAFIA are therefore exonerated from any responsibility for any disputes regarding the originality and authorship of the Work presented;
– authorizes the Organizer and the Partners of ROMA FOTOGRAFIA to insert, publish and reproduce the Work presented, with the relative photographic credits, and/or the registration documentation, entirely or in part, directly or through third parties, by any means of communication or support and methods, on the ROMA FOTOGRAFIA website, https://www.roma-fotografia.it/, on the social network pages linked not to the Call but to the “ROMA FOTOGRAFIA 2021 FREEDOM” event, on the social media pages networks managed by the latter as well as those of the Partners;
– declares to be entirely responsible for the contents of the visual and textual material transmitted;
– declares to be aware that submitting the Registration Documentation that is incomplete and/or does not comply with these Regulations constitutes a reason for exclusion from the Award;
– authorizes the Organizer of ROMA PHOTOGRAPHY to keep the Registration Documentation, acknowledging that it will not be returned;
– declares to be aware that the work presented would be excluded from the Prize if it were wholly or partially copied or created in violation of the rights of others; – fully accepts the Call Regulations and declares to be aware that joining the Call, by sending the Registration Documentation, implies acceptance of all the clauses of these Regulations.
Pursuant to and for the purposes of the GDPR 679/2016, the personal data and images that are acquired as part of this Award are collected and processed, also with the aid of electronic means, for the purposes and activities related to the performance of the Prize, including the realization of exhibition events and publication on the website https://www.roma-fotografia.it/, or to execute legal obligations. The data controller is: Associazione Culturale ROMA FOTOGRAFIA, in the person of its pro tempore legal representative.
The rights and obligations deriving from the Call are governed by Italian law. The Call and its prizes lie outside the Presidential Decree October 26, 2001, n. 430 on the “Regulations concerning the organic revision of the control of competitions and prize operations, as well as local chance events, pursuant to Article 19, paragraph 4, of Law no. 449 “, as it is aimed at the realization of an exhibition for cultural and social purposes and the Call its prizes will be considered according to the Work itself or on recognition of the personal merit of the artists, that is, it is destined in favour of entities or institutions of a public nature or that have eminently social or charitable purposes pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a) and e) of the aforementioned D.P.R. n. 430/2001.
These Regulations are published on the website https://www.roma-fotografia.it/
For any information on the Call and the “ROME PHOTOGRAPHY 2020/2021 FREEDOM” event, you can contact: romafotografiaeventi@gmail.com
The original version of these Regulations in Italian. The Regulations have been translated into English. In the event of a conflict between the English translation and the Italian version, the latter will prevail.